Frequently asked questions

What is on the March 17, 2020 ballot for Southern Local Schools?

A 2.25 mills permanent improvement levy.

Will passage of the levy increase taxes?

No, taxes will be lower.  

What is the purpose of a permanent improvement levy?

The bond levy can only be used on the school building itself.  A permanent improvement levy could be used to for improvements and upgrades of the existing facility, as well as improvements around the district. 

What determines uses for the permanent improvement funds?

Through strategic planning school board members, faculty, staff and community members will continually assess facilities and review information to determine projects.  This could include proper upkeep, such as roof replacement versus continued patching, ongoing maintenance and upkeep, upgrades to plumbing, HVAC systems, additional classroom spaces, auditorium, bus garage, sidewalks, parking lot expansion and upgrades, etc

Projected homeowner cost savings with new levy vs. current levy
Projected levy cost